Wee Bru visits London, Again!

A wee while ago, in fact, a few wee months ago, I went to that big city, London again. My second visit in as many years. It was terrific. I saw more sights and had my picture taken all over the place. My favourite was Tate Modern and South Bank. They were busy and thriving and the weather was brilliant too. I really was a lucky Wee Bru to have gone when I did. My companion took me to loads of new places and together we had a ball.

Here’s some photos for you. I hope you like them.

Visiting William Shakespeare, he wasn't it

What a view eh? I was a lucky Wee Bru to have such great weather

Tate Modern. One of my favourite buildings. Certainly not Wee :)

Tate Modern, one of my favourite places. Certainly not Wee!

The Sunflower Seeds in Turbine Hall. Amazing sight.

London Bridge. Just like the nursery rhyme.

London Bridge itself. It's a giant structure.

Relaxing in my bed after a full on 2 days of sightseeing in London

Wee Bru loves London. Does London love Wee Bru? I hope so. Can’t wait for my next visit. But for now, heading off to dream of new adventures.

More adventures will be here on my online home in a few days. They’re awesome. Remember to head on over to Facebook and ‘like’ my Wee page.

Thank you friends

Wee Bru :)



Hello friends

I was on a few mini adventures this past weekend. I went to Glasgow and it was such a nice day. The weather was that of early autumn. A bit windy, but mild. It got a bit nippy later on though. Glad I had my Wee jacket with me.

I only had a few snapshots taken. Didn’t want to look like a total tourist in a city i’ve visited loads of times! Anyway, here’s a few…(sorry they’re a bit tiny, i’ll try to adjust them, if i can get my head around the technicalities!) ;)

Now, if you have already ‘liked’ my wee Facebook page, thank you so very much. If not, then look to the right hand side and you’ll find the link! Click it, please. And tell your friends. We’re all friends here afterall.

Until next time

Wee Bru :)

PS that London post will be coming soon. It’s taking me a while :)

It’s been a while…

…yes it’s been a while and i’m truly sorry for no updates. What can i say? Summer has been phenomenal but now as we head into Autumn we can all cuddle down and get back to basics.

So what’s been happening with you guys?

I’ve had a few adventures of my own, a wee secret one too and of course I met another new member of the Irn Bru clan. The Fiery one!! He’s bigger and stronger and tougher than me. A hot head, but deep down a wee sweetie all the same. Here he is…

Fiery Irn Bru! Oh ya bas....

Oh, i wasn’t gonna tell you my secret adventure but i will. Gather in, don’t tell anyone. Well, I ventured to Edinburgh a few times with my friend. We went to Illegal Jacks on Lothian Road for some really rather tasty texmex food. But what do you know, he doesn’t stock me. So, I had to sneak in, hehe. There’s no photo evidence of my time there. Thought it’s be rude but i can tell you i had an amazing time and the food was awesome. Great atmosphere, great food and great host. You should go along if you haven’t already.

Another adventure I went on was I went to the beach! Great day. Thought it was only right i should go. It was too cold to get the Irn Bru beach towel out or play with the beach ball but me and A had a ball with our big pal, let’s call him Mr D.

Oh, oh, oh…and I went to that big London city again!! How exciting! I need more time to tell you that story and i will tell you it. It was great!!

I’m a tired Wee Bru tonight. I’ve been trying to keep trim you know. It’s working but by heck it’s tiring doing all this exercise. So i’m gonna go and get a Wee early night. But here’s my promise to you… I won’t leave it so long til i fill you in on my adventures. There/s sure to be more soon!

Stay tuned and stay safe

Wee Bru :)

Under the weather

I was feeling a bit under the weather today. Must be the change in temperatures from the weekend. But I had an exciting day ahead of me. Little old me was invited to see the new summer IRN BRU tv advert in Glasgow today!! I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow as, for now, it’s top secret… ssshhhh. Come back tomorrow night and I’ll tell you more. The ad will be shown on tv from Friday and it’s fun, happy and features a typically Scottish summer!

Thanks to the lovely people I met today. Catch you later,
Wee Bru :-)
